Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Chapters 9 and 10 Reading Blog

Chapter 9 was all about how to rock a Twitter chat. A Twitter chat is a live event where people include a hashtag in their tweets to discuss a topic. This is started by the host tweeting out a question and people from all over the world replying to that question with the hashtag so that anyone can see their response.
I find this a very interesting idea because before the reading I had never heard of Twitter chat. I think this is a cool way to see what different people around the world have to say about your topic at hand. I think this idea could be able to help many different businesses find solutions to some of the problems they face, if a business can start a Twitter chat and ask a question about a problem they are facing they could get a lot of people to respond to the problem and could figure out a solution without having to spend a dime. On the other hand, tweeting about your problems could cause people to lose trust in your company and give competitors an upper hand.
I also found it interesting how much the book highlighted how fast you have to be at typing in order to effectively and efficiently perform a Twitter chat, the book had even mentioned that you should hire a typist to type out your responses during a Twitter chat. This was surprising to me because I did not realize how fast-paced a Twitter chat could be, I know understand that with so many people responding to a Twitter chat that typing fast is essential.
The 10th chapter of the book was about how to not look clueless on social media. This is an important part of the book because it talks about people being too sure of themselves on social media and you could get called out for doing this if you do not know your facts.

It talks about how you should not tell someone what they should or should not share because it is none of your business and you can just unfollow that person if you do not like what they are sharing. I have found myself telling my friends many times that one of their Tweets or post were stupid and they should take it down, I now realize that they are free to share whatever they want whenever they want because that is the freedom that social media gives you and everyone should have the opportunity to share what they feel is important.

Monday, January 28, 2019

My House

I live in a duplex that consists of eight other roommates so you can imagine how it can get a little crazy some days. I waited four years to finally be able to live off campus with my friends. I love living in a house with so many people because there is always something going on. With something always going on this can takes different turns as to being super fun or just too much sometimes. It can be super fun when you just walk out of your room and see at least five of your friends just sitting in the living room so you instantly have something to do. On the other hand, when you want to get some studying done it can be difficult to get stuff done with so much going on.

It was interesting at the beginning of the year trying to figure out who the messy people are and who cleans up their messes. Our house was pretty dirty at the beginning of the year so we decided to come up with a chore sheet to keep order in the house. This chore sheet consisted of eight different chores assigned to different individuals that had to be done once a week and then the individual rotated to a different chore the next week. Having established this order finally we realized how much cleaner our house was all the time compared to before and we were really happy about it.

Another problem we faced was configuring our schedules to be able to efficiently get our laundry done because everyone was trying to do it on the same days because our schedules are so similar. We came to a simple solution that we each had a day that we were allowed to do our laundry while doubling up on the weekend.

The biggest thing I learned from living with so many people is you need to be willing to adapt to other people’s lifestyle because they may be very different than yours. After getting over these humps of figuring out when and what to do for chores I realized how great it is to live with all my best friends and would not trade it for anything.

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Pro Bowl

Sunday, January 27, 2019, the National Football Leagues’ all-star game was played in Orlando Florida. This consisted of the best players from each conference went head to head to show off their skills and put on a show for fans. This event was hosted by Verizon and televised by ESPN, around 8 million people tuned in to watch the clash of some of the best players in the league.

On Twitter, there was some negative feedback about the Pro Bowl because fans had said that the players do not care about the game and do not try in it. This lack of effort among players could happen for a few different reasons. The first being that the players are concerned about getting injured for the upcoming season which causes them to not want to go all out each play and protect themselves. Another reason behind players not caring as much in the Pro Bowl as they do in real games are the cash incentives, each player from the winning team of the Pro Bowl earns $64,000 while every player of the losing team earns $32,000. This is a minuscule amount for these top tier players who are used to making around $80,000 or more a game with more money made from sponsorships and endorsements. Other incentives are offered to players when their team does better in the regular season and the playoffs so players tend to disregard the Pro Bowl and not take it seriously.

The AFC completely dominated the NFC coming away with a 26-7 convincing victory. Patrick Mahomes walked away as the offensive MVP with 156 yards and 1 touchdown. The young Kansas City quarterback showed this season that he is the real deal. After leading his team to the AFC championship in only his second year in the league Kansas City can place their hope for the future in this young quarterback.

After the game, another outburst on Twitter happened when Jason Witten tried to pick up the Pro Bowl trophy and it broke in half. Fans had talked about how the NFL does not even care enough to get the players a real trophy instead of a plastic one, this also leads to more complaining about how the Pro Bowl is just a weak excuse to get more money from fans.

Due to the negative feedback that engulfed social media after the Pro Bowl, it is safe to say that the NFL is going to need to make some major changes to the format of this “all-star” game in order to keep viewership and ratings up!