Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Chapters 9 and 10 Reading Blog

Chapter 9 was all about how to rock a Twitter chat. A Twitter chat is a live event where people include a hashtag in their tweets to discuss a topic. This is started by the host tweeting out a question and people from all over the world replying to that question with the hashtag so that anyone can see their response.
I find this a very interesting idea because before the reading I had never heard of Twitter chat. I think this is a cool way to see what different people around the world have to say about your topic at hand. I think this idea could be able to help many different businesses find solutions to some of the problems they face, if a business can start a Twitter chat and ask a question about a problem they are facing they could get a lot of people to respond to the problem and could figure out a solution without having to spend a dime. On the other hand, tweeting about your problems could cause people to lose trust in your company and give competitors an upper hand.
I also found it interesting how much the book highlighted how fast you have to be at typing in order to effectively and efficiently perform a Twitter chat, the book had even mentioned that you should hire a typist to type out your responses during a Twitter chat. This was surprising to me because I did not realize how fast-paced a Twitter chat could be, I know understand that with so many people responding to a Twitter chat that typing fast is essential.
The 10th chapter of the book was about how to not look clueless on social media. This is an important part of the book because it talks about people being too sure of themselves on social media and you could get called out for doing this if you do not know your facts.

It talks about how you should not tell someone what they should or should not share because it is none of your business and you can just unfollow that person if you do not like what they are sharing. I have found myself telling my friends many times that one of their Tweets or post were stupid and they should take it down, I now realize that they are free to share whatever they want whenever they want because that is the freedom that social media gives you and everyone should have the opportunity to share what they feel is important.

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