Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Chapter 7 reading

This week we dug into the 7th chapter of the Social Media for Strategic Communication book. This chapter was all about strategic writing for social media. It had talked about how writing effectively on social media is a challenging responsibility for public relations professionals and how many job postings emphasize that this is a fundamental skill that all young professionals should have. I find this fact to be true because as a culture we are becoming more and more reliant on social media so in order to effectively utilize the different platforms in your workplace you need to understand how to write professionally. The book goes on to talk about the six C’s of effective writing for social media. The first C is Content in which you create, curate, and feature relevant content while evaluating its effectiveness. When you make sure your content is relevant to your target audience then you will get more and better interaction from followers because they will truly care about what you are putting out there. The second C of social media is Community where people come together based on common interests, values, and characteristics. When people come together surrounding what you put out there then you are effectively writing on social media. The third C of effective writing in social media is Conversation, this consists of not just responding to a post but engaging in a discussion that is meaningful to both parties. This is important because when you respond to a post or engage with someone in a discussion they can look at it as you are not just trying to market or advertise to them but you are invested in what they have to say. The fourth C of effective writing in social media is Culture, you should make sure to consider someone’s beliefs, ethics, common practices, and professional experiences before commenting or interacting with someone because you could say the wrong thing that insults their culture. The fifth C is creativity in which you are coming up with new and different posts to keep your audience intrigued. If you constantly stay creative and come out with new content then people will be more likely to be interested in what you are putting out there and more likely to engage with what you put out. The sixth and final C of effective writing for social media is Connection, when implementing the other five C’s people can come to a connection with what you are putting out there and are going to want to hear more of what you have to say. If you can implement these six C’s into your social media writing then you can come out as an effective and efficient writer for your brand or company.

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