Sunday, March 24, 2019

Zeta Formals

This weekend was the annual Zeta Tau Alpha formal and I was lucky enough to get invited to it. I was skeptical before the event because the last sorority formal I went to was a little too intense for me. The last formal I went to was in Cincinnati with some Kappa Kappa Gammas, this was a fun event besides the fact that every girl sang and chanted the entire bus ride so I got very annoyed. After going to a formal at a big school like UC, I did not know what ONU’s formal was going to be like. 

To start the day we all had to meet at the Zeta house because that was where we were going to be picked up by a bus and taken to the venue. The house was a little overwhelming because there were about 70 girls and all of their dates just hanging out in a pretty small space. When the bus finally arrived we were off to the venue, this was a little worrisome because I did not think it would be that great of a place because we were still in Ada. It turns out it was actually a very beautiful venue. When we were seated at our tables we were given 3 drink tickets to redeem at the bar, somehow when I went to the bathroom I lost all my tickets so that was a bummer, one of my friends brought some extra tickets so they were willing to share with me and it all worked out. 

The night then continued with some dancing but the best part of the night was that they gave me free food, they gave us pulled pork, mashed potatoes, corn, chicken, and noodles so that was great. Towards the end of the night they started to give out superlatives, I, unfortunately, did not get any of these awards even though I wrote my name down 20 times for best dressed. This was sad that I did not get any awards but everyone that got the awards definitely deserved them. I can’t forget to mention my date for the night because she was an absolute smoke show. So overall I had a really fun time at formals and wish I was able to do it all over again.  


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Being in a sorority myself I totally understand the formal stress. I went to a formal at a big school and I was the one chanting for a full three hours. Glad you had fun at ZTA's formal!

  3. seeing all of the photos people that went to formal posted made it look like a blast. the venue looks very nice and it looked like you were really tearing up the dance floor.
