Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Spring Break

To most people spring break is a time to sit back, relax and have a good time drinking on the beach with your friends or family. It is a time that most students look forward to because it is a break from all the drama and work that comes along with school. Spring break is timed perfectly during the school year so that you can have a nice break and then come back to school and finish the semester strong. I, however, have never gone on your typical spring break where you get to party for a week straight and have no responsibilities. Every year during spring break I am occupied with a week of just lacrosse. Some people may look at this and think that I have never been able to go to Ft. Lauderdale or Miami for my break and think that it sucks but I look at it completely different. Having a week to just play lacrosse and not have to worry about any school work is a blessing in disguise. I get to hang out with my teammates for a week straight which in my opinion is better than any beach party because I get to be with my closest friends for a week straight and our only job is to play the game we all love.

This year we went to North Carolina for our break to take on some good competition that you just cannot get from some Ohio teams. The first team we played was Guilford College which is typically a very good team out of the ODAC conference. This game had some more weight behind than a typical regular season game because we played this team two years ago and had lost to them. This loss stung more than usual because they talked a lot of crap the whole game about how Ohio sucks at lacrosse, so we had something coming for them that they were not expecting. We went on to win this game 6-4 which was very exciting for us because we put a cheap talking team in their place.

We had two other games while in North Carolina against two former D2 teams in which we beat them both pretty convincingly. We won all three of our games over spring break and this was the first time we had ever done this as a program so the mood around the team has been very good and we are excited for our next few games against some tough opponents. I had a great time over spring break playing lacrosse with my friends and it just goes to show you no matter the destination you can have a great time if you surround yourself with your closest friends.

1 comment:

  1. It is really exciting being part of a team that is so competitive and continues to create history within the program. it shows that the team is always improving and is still on the up and up in the lacrosse community.
