Sunday, February 24, 2019

Live-Tweet Assignment

 Today, I did a live-tweeting event where I went to the Performing Arts Center and joyfully watched the Ohio Northern Symphony play. If you are interested in the play by play you can see it on my Twitter @THEMAXWEESE give me a follow when you get a chance. This was a very fun event because in all my years I have never been to a symphony. The Ohio Northern Symphony was a great choice for my first time because it was a beautiful and elegant display of great music. Through the entire performance, the audience was totally locked in and, in awe for how amazing the music was. Between all the different instruments and, added vocals this symphony was a must see. I also learned a thing or two about music in general. The first thing I learned was that a Sitar, which I have never seen before, is a string instrument that is commonly used in India. I also kind of learned when it is appropriate to clap and, when it isn’t. There were a few times when I thought that a song had ended and started to clap but in reality, the performers were just taking a little break from the action. After, I had clapped by mistake a few times I decided to just follow the crowd by clapping when they clapped to save myself the embarrassment. Overall, I had a great first time at the symphony and would recommend to anyone that they should go. Follow my Twitter so you can see what happened on this day of music, use #SMspring19 to get to the good stuff!


  1. Aw! I'm sorry you clapped at the wrong times! I've made that mistake before too. In high school I went to the Lima Symphony Orchestra with friends for a class and we started clapping at the wrong time. We decided to just hold off then and wait for everyone else to start clapping. There are some really strange unspoken rules about these things.

  2. The live tweeting was a really cool experience. The symphony sounded a good time!

  3. The symphony was an unexpectedly enjoyable experience for me, I've never been one for that kind of thing most likely its because the only symphony I have ever been to is the clint small middle school symphony that my sisters played in when I was in elementary school.

  4. I never would of thought to live-tweet a symphony but I am glad you did. It sounds like a cool experience to have been a part of!

  5. The live tweeting assignment was an experience that brought me out of comfort zone. Very interesting how you were able to effectively live-tweet during the symphony and I bet that was a very enlightening experience.
