Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Social Media Principles Class

Over the course of my final semester at ONU I have learned a lot of different things about social media in general and also how to become an effective and efficient blogger. We read two different books in my social media course starting with Guy Kawasaki’s The Art of Social Media book. This book had highlighted the key aspects of social media and how to use it. The book had talked about how whether you are promoting a business, a product, or yourself, social media is near the top of what determines your success or failure. This book was an essential guide for newbies or experienced professionals in the social media field to give you the most bang for your time, effort and money. This book had come with over 100 practical tips, tricks, and insights to come up with an effective strategy to come up with a strong presence on the most popular social media platforms.

The second book we read was a textbook created by Karen Freberg called Social Media for Strategic Communication. This book had provided us with scholarly research that taught us strategic implementation of social media in both advertising and public relations. This book all taught us the skills needed to use social media in persuasive communication campaigns. It had a broad focus on strategic communication all the way from public relations, advertising, and marketing, to non-profit advocacy.

My favorite assignment during the semester was the podcast assignment. This was my favorite because I always like to listen to podcasts and this was my first time ever trying to recreate what I had heard. This was a fun experience and I feel like I learned a lot from it. The biggest thing I learned was that you need to come prepared when you are going to do a podcast because it is quite easy to run out of things to say.

My favorite part of the class this year was the actual class itself. I never really knew how to effectively use social media and now I feel like I have a pretty good understanding of what it takes to put out good content. I also loved the relaxed environment that we were in when we actually in the classroom. The class was focused more on group discussion rather than straight lecturing and I feel like that made me learn a lot better.

The only area of improvement I would say that this class needs to look into is the workload amount that is given. I feel like two blogs a week instead of three is a better way to get student more engaged with their blogs instead of feeling like they are being forced to blog at a certain time.

Overall, I had a great experience in this class and would recommend anyone to take it if they want to learn the ways of social media.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

How I Stay Motivated as a Senior

Your senior year of college is a weird time. All year, you are focused on making the most of your senior year, finally being finished with college, finding a job, and excelling in school. This combination of events can make it really difficult to stay focused on school. Sometimes, you would rather hang out with your friend or apply to jobs than study for a test. If you are experiencing this, it’s normal! After all of these years of school, you are bound to feel restless and want to engage activities that are fun or that will help your future. As a senior, balancing all of these feelings with school is something I have experienced first-hand. As the year ends, I decided to tell you all just how I stayed focus on school this year.

First, I had to remember that school still matters. Even though I am close to being finished, my grades still matter. First, they matter because they determine whether I pass or fail a class, which will affect whether I graduate. This was a really important motivator for me because I would hate to let being a senior distract me from the reason I am at college in the first place: to get my degree. Second, school matters because my grades will appear on my transcripts which could be viewed by potential employers. I would hate for an employer to not hire me simply because I decided to slack off my senior year.

Next, I had to find a balance between downtime, applying for jobs, and doing school work. Staying on a schedule helped me with this. I usually spent my afternoons and early evenings on weekdays working on school work. I would go to the library to make sure I would not get distracted. On nights and weekends, I made time for relaxation and hanging with friends. I spent my breaks between classes, mornings, and random spurts of spare time applying for jobs. This balance has allowed me to make time for all of the things that are important for me.

Staying motivated during your senior year can be difficult. Sometimes, you will prioritize having fun over studying, and that’s okay. After all of these years, you deserve to enjoy yourself. Just make sure to stay well informed on your grades and assignments so that you don’t get yourself into a hole you can’t get out of. Although college is fun, the real reason we are all here is to get a degree. So, stay focused and work hard! Best of luck to my fellow college seniors with the last few weeks of the semester!

Monday, April 22, 2019

Tiger Woods Post Masters Press Conference

On April 14, 2019, golf legend Tiger Woods won his fifth Masters title at the Augusta National tournament. After the big win, Woods partook in a lengthy press conference, which served as a very important opportunity for PR for him. This Masters tournament is the first time he has won since 2005. As you may remember, a few years back Woods’ was involved in a scandal for cheating on his wife, which was seen as his demise on and off the course. This win is being called his comeback and after watching him play, it’s clear that he really is back. However, a win is not enough for Tiger Woods to be seen as the champion he once was. That is why this post-tournament interview is so crucial for him. He needed to charm the world and prove himself once more.

Watching the press conference made me very nostalgic of who Woods’ was about 15 years ago – a champion whose humor and charm rocked an interview. This interview was especially important for Woods’ because he needed to show the world that he is the same man he used to be. He needed to portray himself in the best way possible to regain his fanbase. The interview covered everything from his most recent win to his first Masters' appearance in 1995. Some moments of the interview that stuck out to me are:

-Tiger expressing gratitude to his father who came out to his first Masters' tournament in 1995, despite having serious health problems.
-Tiger talking about his increased involvement in the lives of his children.
-When Tiger said, “You never give up. That’s a given. You always fight. Just giving up’s never in the equation.”

Other parts of the press conference discussed his playing strategies, hopes for the future, and the types of clubs he played with. Overall, the press conference was an opportunity for Tiger Woods to portray himself in a positive light. I believe he did just that. After watching it, I completely forgot that he spent years struggling to get back on top. Watching it also reminded me just how important good press is to a person’s reputation. The combination of his win and a well-done interview confirm that Tiger Woods achieved the ultimate comeback.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Top 10 Things I Will Miss About ONU

With graduation right around the corner, I can’t help but think about all of the things I am going to miss when I am gone. College has been a really memorable experience and I know it will be sad to leave. So, here are the top 10 things I will miss the most at ONU:

10) The professors – ONU has allowed me to meet some pretty cool professors over the years. Thanks to them, I feel ready to graduate and enter the workforce.

9) Being in walking distance to everything – Ada is small which means you can pretty much walk everywhere. Whether you are going to class, the library, or getting something to eat, you can walk everywhere. I will definitely miss this when I have to drive everywhere after college.

8) Ada sunsets – Ada is home to some of the most beautiful sunsets. I will definitely miss walking on the Tundra or hanging out in my back yard with my friends and watching the sunset.

7) King Horn – There are very few times in your life where you get free access to weights and other work out equipment. I will definitely miss the ease of walking over to King Horn with my friends or teammates for a lift.

6) The Regal Beagle – This is one of Ada’s few bars. I have made lots of fun memories here and will definitely miss seeing all of my pals out at the “Beagle” on Saturday nights.

5) Viva Maria – Viva’s is Ada’s Italian restaurant and I love coming here for dinner. On weekends they offer a buffet with different types of pasta, chicken, veggies, pizza, and more. It is absolutely delicious and an especially fun time when they have live bands playing.

4) The ease of college life – Although studying and doing homework gets tiring, college has been fun and easy. I have minimal bills and responsibility, which has been very enjoyable. I know after graduation life will come at me fast, so this will definitely be missed.

3) Living with my best friends – This year I got to live in a house with 9 of my friends and it has been a blast. Between watching Naruto, cooking dinner together, and making vlogs, we have made some pretty great memories.

2) Friends I’ve made – Since ONU is small, I have been able to really get to know and befriend a lot of people. Whether we had a few classes together or spent every day together, each person will be missed and always remembered.

1) My teammates – As a 4-year member of the men’s lacrosse team, my teammates have become my brothers. Through all the practices, team bonding events, games, and more, we have become brothers. Through the wins and the losses, the laughs and the sighs, we have made countless memories.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Chapter 10 Reading

The 10th chapter of “Social Media for Strategic Communication” was all about measurement, evaluation, budget, and calendar. All of these aspects are vital to effectively make use of your social media.

The first part of the chapter goes into the importance of measurement and evaluation in social media. It had talked about how measurement focuses on designating specific amount that reflects the change in specific objectives, while evaluation focuses on the assessment or value of certain actions in a campaign or strategy. Both work hand in hand with each other because you need to measure something to be able to evaluate it.

It is also important to have a measurement strategy, with a measurement strategy professionals are able to:
            -Be better informed about their key audiences
            -Be able to execute and create effective content
            -Align content, stories, and other social media updates to be executed at the right time
            -Make each post count and be more effective in coordinating a team effort
            -Identify more efficiently with key audiences, influencers, and others
In social media, it is important to always have a game plan or strategy for the actions, steps, and duties because they contribute to your overall goal and program needs.

When you evaluate your social media activities you can build relationships with your key audiences or influencers, it is important to evaluate for many reasons:
-You will have a better understanding of how your social media channels benefit your brand or client
-You will be able to see the overall performance of the content with and without paid support
-You will be able to not only the place of social media channels within the community you are engaged with but how the content spreads and is received by others

For all of these reasons, it is important to make sure that you pay attention to the measurements and evaluations you or your company are making in order to effectively and efficiently use social media.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Why to choose a communications minor

When I entered ONU freshman year, I was not completely sure what I wanted to do. I declared a major in pharmaceutical business and thought that would be it. However, down the road, I decided it would be to my advantage to add a minor in communications. I have come to realize that communication is a huge part of every career, especially in business.
I chose to pick up the communication minor because the need for strong communicators in the workforce is great. Although I considered myself a decent communicator before picking up the minor, I knew I needed to grow my skills and focus on improvement. I was especially excited to learn more about written and non-verbal communication because I hadn’t really had the chance to before.

ONU offers a lot of courses in the Communication and Media Studies (CAMS) program, many of which I have taken to fulfill the requirements for my minor. Some of the classes include presentational speaking, communication theory, health communication, public relations, principles of social media, and more. Each of the classes I have taken has been extremely informative in showing me the ins and outs of the communication field.

In addition to offering a diverse course selection, ONU’s CAMS program has some of the best professors I have ever had. Each professor goes above and beyond for their students, always making sure they understand the material and teaching real-life skills. One huge benefit of the professors in the department is that they are all highly qualified to teach. Each of them has
 so much experience in effective communication, so it makes learning from them more enjoyable.

Another cool part of the CAMS program is the organization Public Relations Students Society of America (PRSSA). This organization meets once a week and presents students with guest speakers who provide advice, insight, and encouragement to students in the field. At the national level, this organization holds various competitions, conferences, and other opportunities which ONU students often participate. From my experience, this organization is a hugely beneficial tool in a young professional’s life.

Since declaring my communication minor, I feel much more confident in my abilities and skills for entering the workforce. I know that this minor will give me a leg up on my colleagues and I will constantly utilize the information I learned through the program. 

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Mac Improvements

With only a few weeks until graduation, I have found myself pondering my college experience. One of the things I have thought about in great detail are the changes that have taken place at ONU since I arrived four years ago. The most impressive change I have seen is the McIntosh renovations.

Freshman year, Mac was a completely different place. The first area to completely change was when White Bear Inn changed to a Wow Café. While they both serve similar types of food (burgers, chicken tenders, fries), they are very different. Wow Café offers a much higher quality option to students than before. Another cool thing in this area of Mac is that they created Klondike’s, which is a student hang out with TVs and pool tables.

Next, Mac created an on-campus coffee shop that serves Starbucks coffee. I think the whole student body would agree with me that this addition was necessary and impressive. Whether you are craving a latté or a muffin, this coffee shop has what you need. Surrounding the coffee shop is a ton of new, comfortable furniture to sit in while you study or just to hang out in between classes.

The final improvement is the dining hall. My freshman year, the dining hall was a sub-par cafeteria that had a few different areas of food and a big dishwashing station in the center. Student’s criticized the dining hall on the daily and it was a very poor representation of all of the greatness ONU has to offer. The new dining hall is state of the art. It offers students new types of food, including a Mongolian-style grille in the middle. The seating options are diverse and much more comfortable than before. Finally, the dishwashing area is tucked away in the back and much more efficient than before.

In just four years, one building experienced a 180-degree transformation. I am really happy that I got to experience this because it showed me just how much ONU is on the come-up. It also makes me excited to see all of the changes that will take place after I graduate. I look forward to coming back to campus in the next few years and seeing all of the improvements to come, such as the new engineering building.