Tuesday, April 9, 2019


The other day I worked on my first ever infographic to show what I learned during the 2019 Social Media Workshop here at Ohio Northern University. This was a fun process because I had known little about how to make an infographic and I had no idea where to even start. The first thing you must know when getting started is to use the website Canva because it can satisfy all of your needs if you are ever in the business of making infographics. The website can be used by strangers to making infographics as well as experts because it displays everything you may need in an easy to use manner.

The speaker I chose to do an infographic about was Shana Tachikawa. I found her presentation very interesting during the Workshop and thought it would be beneficial to take a deeper dive into her thoughts and make an infographic about it. The main topics Shana had covered were the 7 Social Media Tips to Maximize Event Coordination. I felt this was important to pay attention to because of the research Shana had done that proved how important social media actually is to big events or conferences. After looking into what Shana had described and explained to us I made up an infographic about the presentation which will be shown later.

I faced a few different challenges when creating the infographic that I feel should be explained here. The first problem I faced was my inexperience in the subject of infographics, I have never made one before so I did not exactly know what the assignment was looking for until I took a deeper look into the rubric. Another problem that I had faced was making the infographic look good, I had a vision in my head of what I wanted to do but it was hard to actually put these ideas into the infographic. Now that I am a little bit more familiar with what a proper infographic should look like I feel like I have a better understanding of what needs to be done. I think infographics are a very important tool in the public relations field because it shows a quick and easy way to understand what is being presented to you.

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