Sunday, April 7, 2019

Benefits of Blogging

Many people have never started a blog or consistently kept up with it and they do not realize how beneficial having a blog can actually be. You may think that blogging is not worth your time and effort but it really is. If you work for a business or just have a personal blog it can be very beneficial to your brand.
Having a blog is a great way to express yourself and share your passions, you can share your thoughts and feeling and connect with people that have similar passions or interests as you and build your network. Another reason to have a blog is you can share your knowledge you have acquired on specific subjects, if you are proficient in a topic then you can share your knowledge to other people and educate them with what you know.
Having a blog is also a great way to improve your writing skills when you are writing more you become better at it from having constant exposure to it. Having better writing skills can correlate to your life in many ways. For example, if you need to send a professional email to an industry professional then you want to have more experience in writing so you do not look like you are uneducated.
Having a blog can also help you build your professional network, whether you are blogging with either a personal account or a professional account. One way to do this is by blogging on LinkedIn. LinkedIn has a feature in which you can create and publish your own articles. In doing this, you may spark attention from prospective employers and other new professional connections. If you decide to blog for professional reasons, be sure to triple check your article for typos and grammatical errors. Additionally, make sure that the topics you choose to blog about are appropriate and ones in which you are well informed.

Whatever your reason may be for blogging, I know you can find the same joy in it that I have found. No matter your blogging intentions, I am sure that your blog will serve as a necessary outlet in your life to speak about things that matter to you. Finally, always keep in mind that your blog is memorabilia to your life. Years down the road you can come back to them and remember the things that were important to you at the time of writing them. 


  1. I never had a blog before taking our social media class at ONU. I think I may keep my personally blog up and running even after the assignment is over. While they can be difficult to keep up on during the school year, I still enjoy doing it. With a little more time and effort, I may be able to branch out a bit and talk to new people who have similar passions as me.

  2. Before taking the social media class, I never knew anything about typing or writing a blog since I am in accounting. But, overtime it kind of became a way for me to be creative and personalize my learning experience. Numerous beneficial values from having a blog and I agree about the boost of your professional network. Great read!

  3. Blogging can be super fun and it's really nice to document new things you learn and experience. I had only written for a blog once before this class, but it was for a high school class, and we only wrote one so there wasn't much benefit. This type of blogging is super beneficial and can be a great tool for any personal brand or any business in general.

  4. Writing blogs has helped me become more creative and has helped me a lot with my writing skills. You are also right about how it can boost your professional network, it’s very beneficial in the end.

  5. Blogs have taught me to be creative again. As an RMI student, everything is very structured and there's never room for creativity.

  6. When we were assigned these blogs for class i thought i would have a much tougher time coming up with content and i would struggle more than i have. however once you get into the swing of writing a few blogs a week it really isnt too bad.

  7. These blogs have taught me a lot about myself and how to be more creative in my thinking. As a sport management major and a communication minor, being creative is important and I am glad I have had the opportunity to write these blogs.
