Sunday, April 14, 2019

Mac Improvements

With only a few weeks until graduation, I have found myself pondering my college experience. One of the things I have thought about in great detail are the changes that have taken place at ONU since I arrived four years ago. The most impressive change I have seen is the McIntosh renovations.

Freshman year, Mac was a completely different place. The first area to completely change was when White Bear Inn changed to a Wow Café. While they both serve similar types of food (burgers, chicken tenders, fries), they are very different. Wow Café offers a much higher quality option to students than before. Another cool thing in this area of Mac is that they created Klondike’s, which is a student hang out with TVs and pool tables.

Next, Mac created an on-campus coffee shop that serves Starbucks coffee. I think the whole student body would agree with me that this addition was necessary and impressive. Whether you are craving a latté or a muffin, this coffee shop has what you need. Surrounding the coffee shop is a ton of new, comfortable furniture to sit in while you study or just to hang out in between classes.

The final improvement is the dining hall. My freshman year, the dining hall was a sub-par cafeteria that had a few different areas of food and a big dishwashing station in the center. Student’s criticized the dining hall on the daily and it was a very poor representation of all of the greatness ONU has to offer. The new dining hall is state of the art. It offers students new types of food, including a Mongolian-style grille in the middle. The seating options are diverse and much more comfortable than before. Finally, the dishwashing area is tucked away in the back and much more efficient than before.

In just four years, one building experienced a 180-degree transformation. I am really happy that I got to experience this because it showed me just how much ONU is on the come-up. It also makes me excited to see all of the changes that will take place after I graduate. I look forward to coming back to campus in the next few years and seeing all of the improvements to come, such as the new engineering building.


  1. I think it really is pretty impressive how much the dinning options here at ONU have improved, i remember freshman year i ate a lot of salads, cereal, and bagels because of my lack of interest in almost everything else they would be serving.

  2. Very cool to see how much the dining options have changed since freshman year. It was humbling to go through the whole white bear and old Mac experience and its cool knowing that ONU is noticing the downsides and making the right changes for the future.
