Sunday, April 21, 2019

Top 10 Things I Will Miss About ONU

With graduation right around the corner, I can’t help but think about all of the things I am going to miss when I am gone. College has been a really memorable experience and I know it will be sad to leave. So, here are the top 10 things I will miss the most at ONU:

10) The professors – ONU has allowed me to meet some pretty cool professors over the years. Thanks to them, I feel ready to graduate and enter the workforce.

9) Being in walking distance to everything – Ada is small which means you can pretty much walk everywhere. Whether you are going to class, the library, or getting something to eat, you can walk everywhere. I will definitely miss this when I have to drive everywhere after college.

8) Ada sunsets – Ada is home to some of the most beautiful sunsets. I will definitely miss walking on the Tundra or hanging out in my back yard with my friends and watching the sunset.

7) King Horn – There are very few times in your life where you get free access to weights and other work out equipment. I will definitely miss the ease of walking over to King Horn with my friends or teammates for a lift.

6) The Regal Beagle – This is one of Ada’s few bars. I have made lots of fun memories here and will definitely miss seeing all of my pals out at the “Beagle” on Saturday nights.

5) Viva Maria – Viva’s is Ada’s Italian restaurant and I love coming here for dinner. On weekends they offer a buffet with different types of pasta, chicken, veggies, pizza, and more. It is absolutely delicious and an especially fun time when they have live bands playing.

4) The ease of college life – Although studying and doing homework gets tiring, college has been fun and easy. I have minimal bills and responsibility, which has been very enjoyable. I know after graduation life will come at me fast, so this will definitely be missed.

3) Living with my best friends – This year I got to live in a house with 9 of my friends and it has been a blast. Between watching Naruto, cooking dinner together, and making vlogs, we have made some pretty great memories.

2) Friends I’ve made – Since ONU is small, I have been able to really get to know and befriend a lot of people. Whether we had a few classes together or spent every day together, each person will be missed and always remembered.

1) My teammates – As a 4-year member of the men’s lacrosse team, my teammates have become my brothers. Through all the practices, team bonding events, games, and more, we have become brothers. Through the wins and the losses, the laughs and the sighs, we have made countless memories.


  1. Leaving college is such a huge stepping stone. Most of us have been going to school nearly our whole lives. We get used to the homework and the day to day stuff and then the time comes where we are shoved back out into the world again as adults in the work force. I hope all goes well for you after graduation!

  2. It's crazy to think that graduation is so close. As a senior myself, I can relate to quite a few of these. I'll be staying in the Ada area after graduation, but it won't be the same not being a student.

  3. I've met so many great people and had such a great time here in Ada over the past four years and I could not agree more with you. I am going to miss a lot of the same things you're going to miss. however i am very excited to see what the real world has to offer me.
