Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Chapter 10 Reading

The 10th chapter of “Social Media for Strategic Communication” was all about measurement, evaluation, budget, and calendar. All of these aspects are vital to effectively make use of your social media.

The first part of the chapter goes into the importance of measurement and evaluation in social media. It had talked about how measurement focuses on designating specific amount that reflects the change in specific objectives, while evaluation focuses on the assessment or value of certain actions in a campaign or strategy. Both work hand in hand with each other because you need to measure something to be able to evaluate it.

It is also important to have a measurement strategy, with a measurement strategy professionals are able to:
            -Be better informed about their key audiences
            -Be able to execute and create effective content
            -Align content, stories, and other social media updates to be executed at the right time
            -Make each post count and be more effective in coordinating a team effort
            -Identify more efficiently with key audiences, influencers, and others
In social media, it is important to always have a game plan or strategy for the actions, steps, and duties because they contribute to your overall goal and program needs.

When you evaluate your social media activities you can build relationships with your key audiences or influencers, it is important to evaluate for many reasons:
-You will have a better understanding of how your social media channels benefit your brand or client
-You will be able to see the overall performance of the content with and without paid support
-You will be able to not only the place of social media channels within the community you are engaged with but how the content spreads and is received by others

For all of these reasons, it is important to make sure that you pay attention to the measurements and evaluations you or your company are making in order to effectively and efficiently use social media.

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