Monday, February 18, 2019

3 Fast Ways To Get Good Press

The Green Entrepreneur states that there are many different ways to get good and bad press in the world of public relations, today I am going to headline three fast ways to get good press. With the current restrictions on paid media companies sometimes have to shift their focus towards earned media. The first way to get good press in public relation is to know who you are pitching to. It is important to form your publication or pitch to accommodate the target market you are presenting to, it is important to promote stories that are relevant to the writer’s needs. It is important to practice quality over quantity in order to target the people that can truly benefit from what you are putting out.

The second fast way to get good press is to be a valuable asset, it is important to make sure you have value in your leads so that you can make the job easier for your writer or promoter. You must scan your large network so that you can try to find someone with a valuable story to tell even if they are not a current client, in the field of public relations how large your network makes up how much you are actually worth. It is important to broaden your horizons and grow your network because it helps build strong relationships with other people and can help push you higher up at your organization.

The third and final way to get good press quickly is to tell a good story, a good press release can make or break a company in this growing world in public relations. In order to be effective in public relations it is important to have a strong understanding for your client or company in order to depict them in a positive manner. Knowing and understanding your client or company is critical in case you are in situation where you need to get a press release out very quickly. It is also important to send your releases to the right people, sending you stories to someone that can show off your good press release can help your client or company stand out and people will either gain some respect for your client or grow their interest in the company.

1 comment:

  1. Very informational blog for any level of public figure to use to effectively put out good press for the public eye. Great read!
