Monday, February 11, 2019

Coors Light #ToastToFarmers

Recently a lot of attack advertisements have been airing targeting different brewing companies. The first to do this was Bud Light, the company aired an advertisement during Super Bowl LIII slamming Miller Lite and Coors Light for including corn syrup in their ingredients. To combat Bud Light, the Coors Light marketing team decided they are going to do a “national toast to farmers” on February 15th. The angle that Coors Light is taking against Bud Light is that the company did not just attack their brand but they attacked the hard-working American farmers who grow and care for the ingredients that are used in both the companies’ beers. The vice president of Coors had said that “we’re standing up for our beers, our ingredients, and the farmers who grow them.” The Coors Company has not released any details about what the actual toast to farmers will be but the anticipation for the event is growing. After the Bud Light advertisement had aired the National Corn Growers Association responded and expressed their disappointment in Bud Light on behalf of America’s corn farmers. Bud Light did not consider the kind of backlash they would receive due to the advertisement and this may cause them to lose some valued customers. This is a perfect opportunity for Coors to steal some market share from Bud Light by showing that they value the hard working farmers that help make their product. The hashtag #ToastToFarmers has quickly blown up on Twitter and many people are interested to see what is going to happen. If Coors can play their cards right here they should be able to steal some business from Bud Light by showing that they truly care for the people that not only drink their beers but also produce them. We will have to wait and see what happens this Friday and how Bud Light is going to rebuttal.


  1. This is super interesting. I had no idea that these beer companies were fighting and that it was in this intense of a way. I'll be excited to see what the toast to farmers is.

  2. It seems like the commercial will definitely be hurting the amount of demand and market share for bud light due to the disrespect of the farmers of this country. We just have to see how coors light will really capitalize on this opportunity.
