Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Super Bowl

Over the weekend as many of you know, the Super Bowl happened between the New England Patriots and the Los Angeles Rams. This was predicted to be a high scoring game with two powerhouse offenses facing each other. It turned out to be the exact opposite, this game was decided by the defenses of both teams stepping up when their offenses were not producing. With a low scoring game ending at 13-3 in favor of the New England Patriots, a lot of fans felt cheated out of their entertainment. The Super Bowl is usually where fans can sit back and watch two teams clash at each other in a very intense matchup but this year with such a low scoring game fans felt as if this game was a waste of their time.
A big reason as to why people watch the Super Bowl besides for their love of football is the commercials that are aired during the game. These commercials are usually unique, funny, and outrageous. It is very important for these commercials to have an impact on the people that watch them and encourage people to buy the product they are putting out. A 30-second ad during the commercial costs around 5 million, this is an insane amount of money to be giving up for just 30 seconds of exposure. With around 98 million people watching the game it may be safe to say that throwing out 5 million dollars may be worth it to get your brand name out there. The expensive airtime and the number of people watching the game lead to companies and brands needing to make their product stand out to the average American, this is why so many commercials are so outrageous so more people may get intrigued by the product.

One of the biggest commercials that stood out to me during the game was the commercial that had a crossover between Bud Light and the TV series Game of Thrones. This commercial stuck out to me for a few different reasons, the first being that it gave us a preview of the new season of Game of Thrones which so many people are excited about, including myself, and it showed one of my favorite characters in the show “The Mountain”. I found it an interesting concept that the Bud Light corporation was willing to let their own brand be beaten and destroyed in a matchup between The Mountain and an armored knight for Bud Light, from my perspective I feel like if I was advertising my brand I would not want my brand to be defeated in battle but be the one to be victorious.

1 comment:

  1. I watched the super bowl this year and was not impressed by any of it. I felt that the game was horribly boring, and the commercials really lacked. I usually find myself really enjoying a few commercials each year however this year that was not the case
