Monday, February 4, 2019

Chapters 11 and 12 reading

For this week’s reading, we dove into chapters 11 and 12, the final chapters of the book. The 11th chapter of the book focused on how you can optimize the individual platforms that you use. The chapter first talks about how Facebook uses something called “EdgeRank” to determine which posts your followers see. I found this interesting because I have never heard of this and feel like if someone follows you, then they should be able to see all the content you put out not just the stuff that gets the most interaction. 
The next Social Media platform Guy had touched on was Instagram, he talked about how you should keep things short and to the point. This was an important piece of information because I follow some people that post stories with hundreds of hashtags on them and I get easily distracted and do not bother reading the whole thing, I learned to now start keeping my posts short and sweet and to the point. Another solid point Guy had made was, to share your Instagram posts on Twitter and other Social Media sites. This will lead to ultimate exposure time and can cause people that may follow you on one site to start following you on another.
 The next big Social Media platform he had talked about was LinkedIn this one I paid the most attention to because I use this platform on a regular basis because I am starting to look for jobs after graduation. The biggest thing that stood out to me was how Guy had talked about making a personalized request when you are trying to connect with someone cause that can help you stand out in front of possible employers because you look like you are actually interested in them instead of just sending them the automated message.
The last of the Social Media platforms that I use and Guy had talked about was Twitter. Guy had talked about how the use of a graphic can cause more attention to your post. I find this true because whenever I am scrolling through my Twitter feed I usually just scroll not really paying attention to what the words are saying but a picture attached to words always grabs my attention and makes me want to read what it is all about.

The 12th chapter of the book was about how to put everything together. This chapter talked about how you should build the foundation, amass your digital assets, and go to market. Guy had given an example for a book launch and had emphasized that this technique was to only be used by amateurs and not experts in the field.

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